Event Location:
Fort Lee Historic Park
Hudson Terrace, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Fort Lee Historic Park
Night Orienteering
Saturday, September 26th
Park Information
Fort Lee Historic Park is located with spectacular night views of NYC and the George Washington Bridge. The park is a mixed forest with paved paths, historic revolutionary buildings and some path lighting. The local museum will be closed.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Check-in opens at 6 PM; Score-O mass start (modified for social distancing) at 7 PM.
Score-O (60 minute limit)
Yellow Course (1.75km, 11 controls)
In a Score-O, you find as many (or all) controls in a given time (60 minutes for this event), with a significant penalty if overtime (equal to the value of one control per minute, or part thereof, over). The Score-O is a mixture of beginner (white/yellow) and some intermediate (orange) controls (no advanced controls). Control markers will be the normal orange/white orienteering flag with a tube wrapped with reflective tape added to each one for night visibility. You must bring your own flashlight. There will be a modified mass start at 7 PM.
A separate Yellow course for beginners will also be available, with interval starts from 6:45-7:30 PM.
Online pre-registration and pre-payment will be REQUIRED for every participant, including individual group members, using Orienteering USA's Event Register system.
Please register for the Ft Lee event here:
If you are an OUSA member, and would like to import information from your account, go here instead:
Ft Lee Registration link for OUSA members
NOTE: Registration will close on Friday Sep 25 at 8pm, or when the 65-person limit is reached, whichever comes first. Registrants cancelling before the close of registration will receive full refunds; after that, refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Event Director and/or Registrar; refunds for no-shows? FUHGETTABOUTIT!
Note on Bathrooms
Since the museum will be closed, on-site bathrooms will not be open, nor will there be any off-site bathrooms within easy walking distance. The closest park restrooms are at nearby Ross Dock park annex on the lower river, approximately a 1.2 mile drive. At the park traffic light on Hudson Terrace Rd, turn south (right) and go past the park entrance about 1/3 of a mile. Make your first left onto Henry Hudson Drive, which will head down beneath the park and pass under the GW bridge heading north. After 1 mile at the traffic circle (rotary) bear right towards the river & Ross Park parking lot, the building has open park restrooms. Do not pay the parking lot fees (Meter), registered participants will receive a link to a HVO event parking permit.
Note on Parking
All participants will need download, print and prominently display a special HVO parking permit in their vehicles while parked in the park (park police have been informed of the event and will be looking for these permits in your cars). A link to download the permit will be sent to all registered participants, before the event.
Special Covid 19 Policies
As stated above, participation will be limited to the first 65 persons.
Participants must wear face coverings at all times, except while on their course.
You must provide your own light (flashlight, head lamp, etc.); we will not have any to borrow.
Water will not be provided on the courses or at the event center (start, finish, ...); please bring your own.
In order to avoid clusters, results will not be displayed on a monitor; we will try to post printed results in multiple places.
Map distribution and e-punch rentals will be conducted with minimal contact.
The Score-O mass start (7pm) will be modified; everybody will line up, 6-ft apart, and use a start-punch in short intervals.
Please avoid touching the e-punch control units with your hands; just insert the card tip, wait for the beep/flash, and then go.
Scout groups: Please contact the Event Director before registering.
Event Director and Course setter: Bob Rycharski
Questions: rrycharski345 atsign optonline.net
Registrar: Guy Olsen (HVOregistrar@gmail.com)
Helpers needed!
The Event Director would appreciate any volunteers to help with HVO's first night-O in quite a while and a modified mass start. You will still be able to run your course. Please contact Bob via email.