Start Times
JROTC courses start at 9.30 a.m.
Open courses 10.00a.m. to 12 noon
All courses close at 2:30 p.m.
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
(Trailside Museum)
2019 Annual JROTC Regional Meet at Ward Pound Ridge
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Registration/check in at TRAILSIDE MUSEUM
JROTC teams 8.45-9.30
Other courses 10.00-12.30
All courses close (controls will be picked up) at 2.30.
JROTC competitive Yellow/White
JROTC non-competitive and open Yellow/White
Open advanced:
Blue 20 controls 10.5km 1:15,000
Red 13 controls 8.3km 1:10,000
Green 11 controls 6.0km 1:10,000
Brown 10 controls 3.6 km 1:7,500
Orange 10 controls 3.3km 1:7,500
Starts: Competitive JROTC from 9.30. Starts will be near to Pell Hill parking lot, about 1/2 mile from Trailside Museum. Teams should use their bus(es) to travel to start point.
Non-competetive JROTC starts will start from 9.30 from close to Trailside Museum.
All other courses will start from 10.30 a.m. from close to Trailside Museum.
All finishes will be at Trailside Museum
Beginners instruction available from 10.00 a.m.
Enter the Park from Rt 128 south (Cross River), (4 miles east on Rt 35 from exit 6 on IS 684, turn right on 121, entrance is on left), after passing entrance booth continue past Michigan Road (on right) and Meadow parking (on left) and, if there is room, (cars) park in small parking area at Trailside Museum. If this is full continue a short ways and park in the parking area on left. (If this is also full you will need to retrace back to the large parking area at Meadow
Buses should go directly to small parking area opposite Trailside Museum (in front of toilet block).
Note that, after 9.00 a.m. there is a fee for parking at Ward Pound Ridge at the weekends (Cars $10,mini bus $20, large $50). Non-JROTC cars will be free entrance (mention “orienteering”) but there will be an additional $2 registration fee for all non-JROTC competitors in lieu of parking fee.
ED: Geof Connor
Course Vetter: Jani Lehmuskoski