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Silas Map Adventure

Sunday November 3, 2019

Start Times

10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Silas Condict County Park

100 Kinnelon Rd

Kinnelon, NJ 07405


Silas Condict, a Morris County Park, is located in Kinnelon, NJ

The Silas Map Adventure is an annual orienteering event held in memory of Bjorn Walberg — HVO’s late, beloved Mapping Director and “executive producer” of the Silas Condict Park orienteering map.

An HVO local orienteering event, it is co-sponsored by BSA Troop 277, Kinnelon, NJ — with whom Bjorn was an Assistant Scoutmaster.

Please send all pre-registration forms to pending.

Event Director: Kseniya Popova (

Course Setter: Jeremy Colgan

Jump to…
Map & terrain notes
Registration / waiver form

Four orienteering courses to be offered
Beginner - 1.7 km - 9 controls/check points

Intermediate - 2.8 km - 13 controls/check points

Intermediate - Advanced - 4.1 km - 12 controls/check points

Advanced - 6.1 km - 23 controls

EXCITING new twist on the courses this year brought to you by your course setter, who is a big fan of sprinting to the finish. On all courses you must sprint to the finish as fast as possible using a second, simple sprint map. 

REMEMBER to pick up a new map at the map exchange!

There will be NO sportident boxes on the sprint course. Make a note of the letter for each control on the map using the pencils attached to the flag OR remember them in your head (HINT: they will spell a word) and hand it in at download or tell the person at the desk.  Remember to punch the sportident at the finish flag! 

About the map
The Silas Condict map has a 1:7,500 scale, and 3-meter contour intervals; it was last updated in 2015.

Silas Condict Park webpage

About the terrain
Silas is a medium size park that had expanded to the west and south with donated / purchased undevelopable land. Oak, Sassafras and Maple are the primary trees, with a few pine trees near the parking lots or near hill tops. Fall leaf color is near peak, with only a few green leaves left.

One large pond and one or two medium sized swamps are the primary water features, with plenty of side streams and re-entrants to explore. Lots of granite cliffs and rock features for intermediate and advanced courses, but plenty of trails for the beginner courses, although most will have leaf cover.

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When it will all happen
Registration and starts 10am – 2pm
Free instruction available 10am – 1:30pm
All courses close and control (checkpoint) pickup will begin at 3 pm!!

In a nutshell…
Come any time between 10:00am and 1:30pm to get free beginner instruction and go out on a course.  You can run your course for a fast time or take your time, but you must check-in back at the Finish by 3:00pm.  If there’s still enough time, you can go out on another course (no later than 2:00pm) for just the cost of an additional map.

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What it will cost
A special Silas Map Adventure fee schedule will apply (HVO member* / non-member):
Individual Adult:  $7 / $10
Individual Junior (age 20 and under):  $5 / $10
Group of 2 (regardless of ages):  $10 / $20
Group of 3 or more (regardless of ages):  $15 / $30
Group fees include one map for each group member, age 8 & up.

Second course (after finishing 1st; eg, Yellow after White): $2

All individuals and groups must use an electronic punch (“E-punch”) card on their course.
E-punch Rental: FREE, but we still require a deposit / collateral (see next section).

Additional Maps:  $2 each
Compass Rental:   FREE, plus deposit
Rental Deposits / Collateral:  Typically car key, driver license, credit card, … One deposit can cover multiple rentals.

* – Members of other orienteering clubs will pay HVO-member rates, on a reciprocal basis.

To help speed up your registration, the HVO (NJ) registration form / waiver is available for downloading & printing here.

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How to get there
From the interchange of I-287 and NJ Rte 23, take Rte 23 North (I-287 exit 52B). Follow Rte 23 North for about 3.5 miles and take the ramp on the right to Kinnelon Rd / Kiel Ave (it is about 0.5 mi past the pedestrian overpass, just before the next signal). At end of ramp (signal) turn left onto Kiel Ave. Go straight across Rte 23 onto Kinnelon Road, and continue about 1.1 mi to the park entrance (William Lewis Arthur Drive) on the right.

Follow park road about 0.8 mi to parking at the (far) end. Registration will be at the pavilion.

NOTE: Navigation systems/websites might direct you to turn right onto Ricker Rd. Do NOT turn onto Ricker Rd! There is NO vehicular access to the park from Ricker Rd! Instead, continue straight, about 0.2 mi, to the park entrance (William Lewis Arthur Dr). (It is possible this glitch has been fixed — if anyone’s nav system still directs you to turn at Ricker, please let the Event Director know)

Google Maps – Use “Silas Condict Park” as destination, or click on the map or link above, in the left column…

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